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Showing posts from February, 2019

...The People You Hang Out With...

“Stop talking about people and hanging out with them.”   A dear friend posted that quote on social media and it made me think. (Me + Thinking = Dangerous) I remember a time when I was “friends” with people that didn’t necessarily like me or the lifestyle I lead. Their list of reasons was pretty extensive. (I  honestly don’t know if they liked anyone based on the way they talked about everyone.)   Wait…How do friends not like each other? Why would people talk poorly about their “friends”?     I knew deep down the way they felt/talked. Other people showed me and/or let me hear the things that were said. But there we were – spending time together, taking cute pictures together, faking it day after day.   What was I thinking?   Maybe I thought that was the best I deserved. Maybe I settled for it because I didn’t fully love myself. (They had other motives that benefited them, but that’s a different blog post.)   M...